The Seraphic Chronicles Wiki

The Mists is the fifth book in "Season One" of The Seraphic Chronicles.

White Dwarf

The Mists front cover

It was released in March 2015.


The Midnight Nebula. The Pale Menace. The Mists.

While Chief Engineer Sorvel wrestles with depression and suicidal thoughts border patrol erupts into battle with local pirates the ScSS Seraphic chases down a ship into a nebula that is known locally only as ‘The Mists.’ A place of legends and ghosts and ancient secrets.

But as they go further into The Mists the chances of ever getting out again seem to disappear, and it is up to Sorvel to save the ship and everyone on board.

Preceeded By - The Kingdom of Skulls

Followed By - Eulogies
