The Seraphic Chronicles Wiki

Solaris Reh'Maya'Kou was a female B'ra'Sha Star Command Officer.

Her flagship is the ScSS Oconov of Old Mars, the flagship of the Gold Fleet.


By 328AE she had become so powerful within the service she was known as "The Black Devil." She was a High Admiral and Commander of Star Command Strategic and Defence Operations as well as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

During the period of the Podrink 452 Incident when Captain Ejjina Mexonber-Quad entered the Nostluhk Dominion she appeared on the news talk show Orsimo Tonight and showed her anger towards Mexonber-Quad saying she thought Mexonber-Quad should be stripped of rank, ejected from the service and put in jail for her actions.

Soon after this she was made the head of the judicial committee sitting in judgement of the court martial of Captain Ejjina Mexonber-Quad.

The Kingdom of Skulls[]

Despite her initial dislike of Ejjina Mexonber-Quad and Xandos P Orthopolis as a command team she was forced to change her opinion of them in 329 after their handling of the death of Ibudab and then their overseeing The Treaty of Sor Lois.
